Newer birth, Record 27/03/2022_Flabellina_affinis eggs, new birth
Usually found along the coasts and estuaries at a temperature range of 8° to 24°C. Often associated with Zostera or other vegetation. The male carries the eggs in a brood pouch which is found under the tail.
A jellyfish in the family Pelagiidae and the only currently recognized species in its genus. It is typically known in English as the mauve stinger, but other common names are purple-striped jelly (causing potential confusion with Chrysaora colorata)
Nudibranch_Janolus cristatus
This rare species is semi-transparent and has an oval-shaped outline. It is cream or light brown in color and grows to approximately 7.5 cm in length. The head has oral tentacles that are short.
The lateral wings are numerous, have a smooth surface and an inflated appearance. The central digestive gland lobe is thin and brown in color and can be seen through each wing. These gland lobes divide at the tip of the wings into numerous terminal branches. The tips of the cerata are bluish-white and iridescent.
Padina pavonica (Linnaeus) Thivy 1960
Padina pavonica is an algae from the Dichtyophyceae family, distributed from warm-temperate to tropical shores, at latitudes of ±30 worldwide, and grows mainly in the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. Today, according to ALGAEBASE.ORG, there are 72 species belonging to the genus Pa-dina, most of which were only recently accepted taxonomically, but because of the similarity among them, it is hard to know for sure.
Sabella-spallanzanii grow to a total length of 9 to 40 cm and are usually larger in deep water. They have stiff, sandy tubes formed from hardened mucus secreted by the worm which protrudes from the sand, and a two-layered crown of feeding tentacles which can be retracted into the tube. One of the layers forms a distinct spiral.
Rough ray-Raja radula, Delaroche, 1809
Range from coastal waters to about 300 m depth. Feed on all kinds of bottom animals. Oviparous. Distinct pairing with embrace. Young may tend to follow large objects, such as their mother.
Coris julis (Linnaeus, 1758) Mediterranean rainbow wrasse
Coris-julis: Occurs in the littoral zone, near rocks and eelgrass beds. Usually found between 1-60 m, but old males stay in deeper water. Found in deeper waters during winter. Sometimes solitary, among rocks, often with numerous specimens in its immediate vicinity.
Cerianthus membranaceus_anemone
The Tube Anemone is big, however, reaching 20 cm across and its tentacles can extend 30.5 cm or more. It spreads its long outer tentacles over the surface of the mud or sand to capture prey. They are predators, scavengers, and omnivores.
Leptopsammia pruvoti
Why is it not growing more in Mediterranean? Almost always solitary but sometimes found as small groups of corallia arising from one base, pseudocolonies.
Leptopsammia Pruvoti synonym Leptopsammia microcardia, prefers shaded bedrock or stable boulders and is typically found in caves and gullies or under overhangs.
Pterois miles
Mediterannean Sea: Pterois miles have been reported from the Mediterranean Sea in Israel (Golani and Sonin 1992), Lebanon (Bariche et al. 2013) and Turkey (Turan et al. 2014). Newer observations are in Santorini Greece since 2017. Our latest is in Ammoudi Oia on 03/12/2019 as it is the picture.
Corydendrium parasiticum
Most hydrozoan species have a planktonic larval stage called a planula. Planulae are radially symmetric ovoids, often covered with flagellate cells for swimming. They may be very simple embryos or have cells differentiated into several types. Planulae most often settle onto a benthic substrate and develop into a polyp.
Giant tun_Tonna-galea
A marine gastropod mollusc in the family Tonnidae (also known as the tun shells). This very large sea snail or tun snail is found in the North Atlantic Ocean as far as the coast of West Africa, in the Mediterranean Sea and the Caribbean Sea. The species was first described by Carl Linnaeus in 1758
Urcins, Arbacia-lixula
Purple, red, black and brown coloured, sea urchins, four apparent morphologically different sea urchin individuals presented in the study area of the Alexandria coast during 2012–2013. Placed also in the coasts of Greece. 1. Paracentrotus lividus; 2. Sphaerechinus granularis; 3. Arbacia lixula; 4. Psammechinus microtuberculatus.
Turritopsis nutricula -Medusa
Jellyfish, Turritopsis dohrnii is now officially known as the only immortal creature.
Yellow Black-faced blenny, Tripterygion delaisi male
The black-faced blenny (Tripterygion delaisi) is a small benthic fish from the family Tripterygiidae (triplefin-blennies)
Blenny, Tripterygion-delaisi
They are found under overhanging rocks, entrances of caves and other biotopes with reduced light. In the Atlantic, they occur in shallow, light-exposed biotopes.
Peacock Wrasse, Symphodus-tinca
Unique Starfish, Red-Echinaster-sp
The Red-Echinaster-SP is very intolerant of sudden changes in oxygen levels, salinity and pH of the water, and cannot tolerate copper-based medications. The drip acclimation method is highly recommended for all Sea Stars due to their intolerability to changes in water chemistry. It should never be exposed to air while handling.
Pinna, nobilis Pinnidae-Pterioida
Pinna is a genus of bivalve molluscs belonging to the family Pinnidae. The type species of the genus is Pinna rudis.
The most completely studied species in the genus is P. nobilis, a Mediterranean pen shell which was historically important as the principal source of sea silk.
Pinna, Pinnidae--Pterioida Young
Nudibranch, Flabelina affinis
Red Mullet, Mullus-surmuletus
Brown wrasse, Labrus merula
Nudibranch, Dorididae Peltodoris atromaculata
Tripterygiid, Fosterygion-robustum
Sea Crabs, Dardanus-arrosor
Sea Crabs, Clibanarius-erythropus
Aplousobranchia, Clavelina-lepadiformis
The most common sea squirt in Mediterranean. Aplousobranchia genus Clavelina, the body is transparent and does not exceed a length of 4 cm. The light bulb starts to grow in late winter and are ready for reproduction in the summer.
It sits on a hard substrate, from the subtidal zone and down to a maximum depth of 50 meters.
This sea squirt is known from the Atlantic coasts of Europe, as far north as Norway, and from the Mediterranean, including the Adriatic Sea.
Damselfish, Chromis-chromis
Starfish, Astropecten-armatus
Sponges, Aplysina-aerophoba
Star Fish, Echinaster_sepositus
The Mediterranean red sea star is a species of starfish from the East Atlantic, including the Mediterranean Sea
Parrotfish, Sparisoma-cretense
Sparisoma cretense is a species found at rocky shores in the Mediterranean and the eastern Atlantic, from Portugal south to Senegal. It is generally common, but uncommon or rare in the northwestern Mediterranean and in the Adriatic Sea. It prefers relatively warm temperatures and there is an ongoing northward range expansion, probably because of global warming. The primary adult habitat is rocky reefs, especially in areas with macroalgae, but they may visit adjacent seagrass patches. Juveniles also occur more widely in the latter habitat.
Perca, Serranus-scriba
It loves the solitary life along the rocky coasts, but frequents also the huge prairies of Posidonia (Posidonia oceanica). It is a hermaphroditic species. The eggs and the sperm ripe at the same time and the self-fecundation would be, theoretically, possible.
Sea-Urchin, Paracentrotus-lividus
Sea-Urchin, Psammechinus microtuberculatus
Purple, red, black and brown coloured, sea urchins, four apparent morphologically different sea urchin individuals presented in the study area of the Alexandria coast during 2012–2013. Placed also in the coasts of Greece. 1. Paracentrotus lividus; 2. Sphaerechinus granularis; 3. Arbacia lixula; 4. Psammechinus microtuberculatus.
Sea-Snail, Pleuroploca trapezium
Seahorse, hippocampus
Scorpionfish, Scorpaena-scrofa
Scorpionfish, Scorpaena-porcus
Sea-Urchin, Paracentrotus-lividus
Purple, red, black and brown coloured, sea urchins, four apparent morphologically different sea urchin individuals presented in the study area of the Alexandria coast during 2012–2013. Placed also in the coasts of Greece. 1. Paracentrotus lividus; 2. Sphaerechinus granularis; 3. Arbacia lixula; 4. Psammechinus microtuberculatus.
Mediterranean, Octopus-vulgaris
The population density of Octopus vulgaris was measured by visual census with scuba diving in coastal areas in Greece (eastern Mediterranean).
Mediterranean, Octopus-vulgaris
Nudibranch, Flabellina_affinis
Flabellina_affinis Eggs
Flabellina_affinis Eggs_Advanced birth, from registration in April
Nudibranch, Flabellina affinis
Flounder, Bothus-podas
Bothus podas, also known as the wide-eyed flounder, is a flounder in the genus Bothus, native to the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Coast of Africa.
Cardinal Fish, Apogon-imberbis
Sea Urchins, Diadema_setosum
Diadema setosum is an invasive species of long-spined sea urchin belonging to the family Diadematidae. It is a typical sea urchin, with extremely long, hollow spines that are mildly venomous.
Nudibranch, Peltodoris atromaculata Eggs